ISACA Denver Sponsorship Program

Please let us know how we can better serve your needs by sending an email message to our Board of Directors.


General Conditions of Sponsorship

  1. A sponsor’s name and/or logo can be the only identifier of the sponsor for a meeting, lunch, seminar or other Denver-ISACA sponsored event. Based on sponsorship level, the logo can appear in a brochure, pamphlet, banner, web site, or other chapter communication.
  2. During any official ISACA-Denver Chapter Meeting or sponsored event, sponsors are prohibited from discussing or mentioning products or services to the Chapter as a whole that are intended to generate sales leads in any form. Discussions regarding products or services can take place at the option of individual chapter members (Opt-In).
  3. Sponsors will NOT receive a listing of chapter members and their contact information. Communication with ISACA-Denver Chapter members will only be at the option of the individual chapter member only (Opt-In).
  4. Although not required, sponsors may provide a door prize where individual members can opt-into a drawing for a door prize by providing their individual contact information or business card.
  5. For most businesses, a sponsorship is considered a valid business expense. However, if a company/person was doing so to claim as a charitable contribution, it s our duty to advise that the ISACA Denver Chapter is a 501c(6) organization under IRS code; therefore sponsorships to the ISACA Chapter cannot considered a charitable deduction.

Chapter Meeting Sponsor ($1,000)

  1. Benefits only apply for chapter meetings in a single month to be determined based on availability.
  2. Admission for up to three (3) sponsor representatives to the meeting.
  3. Meals or refreshments included for sponsor representatives as part of the sponsorship.
  4. Table to display company/product information and meet with chapter members.
  5. Option to introduce the speaker(s) at the meeting.
  6. Logo included on the meeting announcement page on the chapter website (sponsored month only).
  7. Logo included in the meeting section of email communications (sponsored month only).

Annual Sponsor ($2,500)

  1. Annual sponsors receive Chapter Meeting Sponsorship benefits for one chapter meeting (see Chapter Meeting Sponsor).
  2. Logo posted on a Sponsors page of the ISACA Denver Chapter website ( for the chapter year (May-April). This may be accompanied by a 144-or-less character description of the company and its services or products.
  3. Logo included on a sponsorship slide in the monthly meeting announcement slides that run during the registration period (about one hour) before each chapter meeting.
  4. Logo included in email communications for the chapter year (May-April).

Social Event Sponsor ($500)

  1. The ISACA-Denver Chapter strives to host a social event for chapter members, students, and other potential members once per calendar quarter.
  2. Admission for up to three (3) sponsor representatives to the event.
  3. Logo inclusion on the event announcement page on the chapter website (sponsored event only).
  4. Logo inclusion in the event announcement section of email communications (sponsored event only)
© 2004-2013 ISACA Denver Chapter. All rights reserved.